State of Data #100

#1_read_this_weekPlay with the data on religions, income and number of babies/woman that I use in my last TED video” – Hans Rosling


#analysisThe danger of using average alone in Web Analytics 

–  Desirable qualities in API design                                                                   

#big_dataMapReduce Q&A – Part 1; Part 2

Does value of data depend on volume (pdf)? In communications (e.g., postal mails delivered) it does and the possibility of using a similar model for information.

–  PostGreSQL vs. MongoDB

Data is really just an antidote to Billion-dollar mistakes

The best ways to visualize Twitter data


#visualizationCharting the Facebook IPO


About Nilendu Misra
I love to learn, create and coach. Things that I do well are - Communicating ideas - verbally or through words and diagrams; Problem Solving - Logical or Abstract; Very Large Scale Systems; think about 'Frighteningly Simple' approach first. Things that I intend to do better are - Establishing Stringent Process; Exchanging Tough Feedback; Keeping up with my reading or To-Do list to be able to completely relax.

2 Responses to State of Data #100

  1. feng says:

    congratulations for publishing #100.

  2. Nilendu Misra says:


    Thanks. It’s fun to do.