State of Technology #50

#at_other_places –

#architecture – JavaScript performance MythBusters (from SXSU 2012) – a four-person walkthrough

#code – Database Changes Done Right’ – Full process of Software Engineering w.r.t. Databases (change, build, deploy)

#design – Google’s new “Report a Bug” or “Feedback Tool” now allows you to selectively capture screenshot in browser (Hat tip: Aalap Sharma)

 – Memes of the fortnight –

            Why I left Goldman Sachs (One word: Muppet); Why I left Google (One symbol: +); Why I left McDonald’s etc.

#mobile – Faux G – what on earth does that ‘4g’ in your iPhone 4s means
“AT&T and Verizon spent tens of billions of dollars to acquire new 700MHz licenses at auction and from existing license holders in a headlong rush for 4G. That left AT&T with the bragging rights of having a faster 3G network and a plan for a faster 4G one. In response, Verizon moved aggressively into 4G, pushing handset makers to deliver early kit (first laptop adapters and later phones), and lighting up LTE networks at a more rapid clip than AT&T. (Both now claim most of their 3G coverage will be LTE-ready by the end of 2013.)”

#saas – Amazon ‘cloud’ has roughly 450,000 servers across 7 data centers


#service – How large is your web page, and why it matters? Google home page is 0.5MB while a single tweet is 2MB!

#social – This music from the emerging rapper, released on Facebook, can ONLY be heard by one person at a time.

#tool – This man came up with the idea of iPad – 15 years ago!

#tweaks n’ hacks – London Bus stop now shows different ads to men and women


#parting_thought – 
“So much complexity in software comes from trying to make one thing do two things.” – Ryan Singer

About Nilendu Misra
I love to learn, create and coach. Things that I do well are - Communicating ideas - verbally or through words and diagrams; Problem Solving - Logical or Abstract; Very Large Scale Systems; think about 'Frighteningly Simple' approach first. Things that I intend to do better are - Establishing Stringent Process; Exchanging Tough Feedback; Keeping up with my reading or To-Do list to be able to completely relax.

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